Bandwidth extension of signal is defined as the deliberate process of expanding the frequency range (bandwidth) of a signal in which it contains an appreciable and useful content, and/or the frequency range in which its effects are such. Its significant advancement in recent years has led to the technology being adopted commercially in several areas including psychacoustic bass enhancement of small loudspeakers and the high frequency enhancement of coded speech and audio.
Bandwidth extension has been used in both speech and audio compression applications. The algorithms used in G.729.1 and Spectral Band Replication (SBR) are two of many examples of bandwidth extension algorithms currently in use. In these methods, the low band of the spectrum is encoded using an existing codec, whereas the high band is coarsely parameterized using fewer parameters. Many of these bandwidth extension algorithms make use of the correlation between the low band and the high band in order to predict the wider band signal from extracted lower-band features. Others encode the high band using very few bits. This is often sufficient since the ear is less sensitive to distortions in the high band compared to the low band.
Most often small loudspeakers are physically incapable of reproducing low frequency material. Using a psycho-acoustical phenomenon like the missing fundamental, perception of low frequencies can be greatly increased. By generating harmonics of lower frequencies and removing the lower frequencies themselves the suggestion is created that these frequencies are still remaining in the signal. This process is usually applied through external equipment or embedded in the speaker system using a digital signal processor.
High frequency response can also be enhanced through generation of harmonics. Instead of mapping frequencies inside the reproducible region of the speaker, the speaker itself is used to generate frequencies outside the normal reproducible region. By boosting high frequencies and overdriving the speaker or amplifier slightly, higher harmonics can be generated.
Telephone speech signals are usually very degraded in quality. Part of this degradation is due to the limited bandwidth used in the telephone systems. In most systems frequencies lower than 250 Hz are cut and bandwidth only extends to frequencies of 4 or 8 kHz. Using filtering and waveshaping low and high frequency response can be extended.