Avoided Deforestation Partners, or AD Partners, is a non-profit organization under the auspices of the Center for International Policy in Washington, D.C. AD Partners is involved in the global effort to solve climate change by working to end deforestation in tropical rainforest countries. By avoiding the practice of deforestation, i.e., clearing forests to provide inexpensive farmland (also known as “slash and burn agriculture”), the world gains the significant climate benefits of not releasing carbon into the atmosphere. In addition, avoiding deforestation also allows forests to sequester carbon and scrub the air of pollutants. Beyond protecting our air quality, tropical forests create the conditions for rain, recharge our water sources, provide habitats for myriad plant and animal species, and support a way of life for 1.6 billion forest dependent people. Leading scientists and economists say that ending deforestation is the most cost effective and scalable method of reducing greenhouse gases. In fact, they believe that ending deforestation will cut the timeframe for solving the climate crisis in half.
AD Partners’ focus has been and continues to be on advocating for U.S. and international forest protection policies. A large part of their efforts go towards convening global leaders from government, civil society and the business world at the international United National Climate summits, also known as the UNFCCC COP meetings.
Most recently, AD Partners has joined television and movie climate change projects to help raise awareness about the critical link between climate change and the massive deforestation that continues to occur in rainforest countries such as Brazil and Indonesia. For most of the world, the concept that ending deforestation has a direct and profound link to solving the climate crisis is still very much unknown.
To broaden its audience base for their message about the important connection between deforestation and climate change, Jeff Horowitz joined the Showtime docu-series, Years of Living Dangerously as the co-producer of the first two episodes related to deforestation. Horowitz secured the participation of actor/conservationist Harrison Ford as the story's correspondent. The executive producers for this landmark Showtime climate change series were James Cameron, the late Jerry Weintraub, and former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, along with Emmy Award-winning former 60 Minutes producers Joel Bach and David Gelber, and climate expert Daniel Abbasi. Dr. Joseph Romm (ClimateProgress.org) served as the chief science advisor. The nine episode series aired in Spring 2014. The show won the 2014 Emmy Award for Outstanding Documentary or Best Nonfiction Series. In addition to recognizing the show's executive producers, the Emmy also acknowledges the work of co-executive producer Solly Granatstein, supervising producer Jennifer Latham, senior producer Adam Bolt, and producer Jacob Kornbluth.