Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) represents Australia's food, drink and grocery manufacturing industry. AFGC's stated vision is for Australia's food, beverage and grocery manufacturing industry to be socially responsible and competing profitably domestically and overseas. The chief executive officer of the Australian Food and Grocery Council is former Liberal party politician, Kate Carnell, who was Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) from 1995 to 2000.
They are a membership-based organisation totally funded by industry to work on behalf of industry in the following areas:
In November 2009, the AFGC successfully lobbied the coalition to exempt agriculture and food processing from their emissions trading scheme negotiations for good. Dr Rosemary Stanton has argued this was a lost opportunity to reform the food industry and the health of Australians.
The AFGC has also supported advertisements for a business lobby group describing itself as "Responsible Recycling" that criticise the Northern Territory container deposit scheme as a verity of it