Austerlitz is the name of a Jewish family. As is the case with all names derived from places, the surname "Austerlitz" does not necessarily signify that all the persons so named belong to one family. Names origin comes from town Austerlitz (Slavkov) in Moravia. It denotes that an ancestor of the person came from that place or was for some time a resident there. In the tombstone inscriptions of the old cemetery at Prague this name occurs after 1620. The name is also found in Prague among those Jews banished from Vienna in 1670, and in other localities in Austria and Hungary. Of the members of this family known in literature and communal life, the following may be mentioned:
Bibliography: Kaufmann, Die Letzte Vertreibung der Juden aus Wien, Vienna, 1889; Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 772; Hock, Die Familien Prag's, ed. D. Kaufmann, Presburg, 1892.