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Aulus Caecina Severus (suffect consul 1 BC)

Aulus Caecina Severus was a Roman politician and general who was suffect consul in 1 BC.

Descended from a distinguished Volaterran family, Caecina made his name as a military man and was awarded the post of suffect consul in 1 BC.

In 6 AD he was the imperial legate in Moesia when the Great Illyrian Revolt erupted. Severus was called down to suppress the revolt, and was joined by Marcus Plautius Silvanus. In 7 AD they met the Daesitiates and the Breuci at the Battle of Sirmium. Here, the Romans won a hard fought victory, but their losses were so significant that they could not follow it up. Caecina was then forced to quickly return to Moesia, as Dacian and Sarmatian raiders were causing havoc in the province. For the next two years he continued to fight the rebels in Illyricum, inflicting another defeat on them in 8 AD as they attempted to prevent Caecina marching to link up with Germanicus in Pannonia, until the revolt was finally put down in 9 AD.

Around 14 AD, Caecina was the legate in charge of the legions along the lower Rhine frontier in Gallia Belgica (what it time would become Germania Inferior), under the overall command of Germanicus. When the Rhine legions rebelled following the death of Augustus, the men under Caecina were at the forefront, demanding the demobilization of men who had served an excessive number of campaigns, and an increase in pay for the rest. Caecina apparently lost his nerve at the mutiny; he initially made no move to stop the spreading disorder, and when centurions sought his protection, he was forced to hand them over to his men to be tortured and killed. Germanicus was forced to intervene; arriving, eventually he agreed to their demands, and was forced to come up with the money to pay some of the legions. Germanicus ordered Caecina to take the first and twentieth legions back to Oppidum Ubiorum, together with Germanicus’ depleted treasury.

