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Athena Giustiniani

The Parian marble Athena Giustiniani or Giustiniani Minerva is an Antonine Roman marble copy of a Greek sculpture of Pallas Athena, of the late fifth-early fourth century BCE.

The sculpture was probably a cult image rather than a decorative culture trophy. The serpent at Athena's right foot recalls the archaic myth of Erichthonius in his serpent form. The forearms are restorations, as are the spear and the sphinx upon the goddess's Corinthian helmet.

It was discovered in the early 17th century, reputedly in the ruins of a ten-sided nymphaeum on the Esquiline Hill which thus mistakenly identified as a "Temple of Minerva Medica"Pietro Santi Bartoli, also in the 17th century, gave an alternative discovery site, in the Orto di Minerva adjacent to the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, which was widely thought to have been built over a temple of Minerva (dedicated by Pompey the Great in 62 BCE). On the basis of its quality, it was reputed well into the 19th century to be a copy of a statue by Pheidias, and was included among stucco casts representing Europe's great sculpture that formed part of the German pavilion at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904.

The statue receives its name from having been in the collection of Vincenzo Giustiniani in the Palazzo Giustiniani, which was luxuriously engraved and published as the Galleria Giustiniana (Rome, 1631). Apparently the sculpture was never copied during the time it was in the Giustiniani collection: Winckelmann never mentioned it, though the austere classical style it exhibits was first isolated and described by him. Towards the end of the century it had become an object of admiration especially among the British visitors: a custodian of the Giustiniani told Goethe that the restored hand was whiter than the rest of the work because the English had kissed it so often. A bust adapted from this "Minerva" (the similar Athena of Velletri was a later discovery) appears as a tabletop accessory in more than a dozen of Pompeo Batoni's portraits of English visitors to Rome. When the French sculptor Claude Michel, who adopted the Greek name "Clodion", was a pupil at the French Academy in Rome (1762–71), he made a refined and highly finished terracotta Minerva that is a pastiche of several approved antiquities, notably the Minerve Giustiniani.

