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Association of Capavenir communes

The Association of Capavenir communes (French: Communauté de communes CAPAVENIR) is a French former administrative association of communes in the Vosges département of eastern France and in the region of Lorraine. It was merged into the new Communauté d'agglomération d'Épinal in January 2013.

Created in 2004, the association had its administrative offices at Thaon-les-Vosges.

Most French commune groupings of this type are named after the region in which they are located or after the largest town (usually also the administrative centre) in the territory. Capavenir is, however, an aspirational (and almost untranslatable) descriptive name evoking the future ("l'avenir") as a destination. The name is sometimes written in upper case letters as CAPAVENIR.

Membership covers 8 communes as follows:

