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Arthur Wallis (Bible teacher)

Arthur Wallis
Born 1922
Died 1988
Nationality British
Occupation itinerant teacher and author
Notable work The Radical Christian (1981)
Theological work
Language English
Main interests Revival
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Role of women

Arthur Wallis (1922 – 1988) was an itinerant Bible teacher and author. Through his teaching and writing, most notably his book The Radical Christian (1981), Wallis gained the reputation of ‘architect’ of that expression of UK evangelicalism initially dubbed ‘the house church movement’, more recently labeled British New Church Movement.

Arthur Wallis was born the son of ‘Captain’ Reginald and Mary Wallis. He attended Monkton Combe School, near Bath, Somerset, before going on to Sandhurst and wartime service in the Royal Tank Regiment. He was wounded at the Anzio Bridgehead, an event that led him to question the compatibility of his army service with his sense of calling to Christian ministry.

After the war, Wallis married Eileen Hemingway in 1946, and the couple had one son; Jonathan. From a Brethren background, Wallis came into the experience of the “baptism with the Holy Spirit” in 1951, within a few weeks of his lifelong friend, the former Southampton City Missioner, Oscar Penhearow.

Following in his fathers footsteps, Wallis then embarked on an itinerant preaching and teaching ministry, with a particular emphasis on revival, prayer, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the ‘restoration’ of the church. He had deeply impacted by accounts of the Revival that took place on the Isle of Lewis in 1949 which he visited. His book In the Day of Thy Power (Christian Literature Crusade: 1956) was the fruit of this visit and his subsequent studies. He wrote some eleven books on themes promoting the Christian life, and travelled widely (in particular to the USA, Australia and New Zealand).

For much of his life Wallis lived in Talaton in Devon, moving in the last decade of his life, first to Yorkshire to join Bryn Jones’ Covenant Ministries, and later in 1981 to Southampton to be part of the leadership of the Community Church.

