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Arnold Sundgaard

Arnold Olaf Sundgaard (October 31, 1909 – October 22, 2006) was an American playwright, librettist, and lyricist. He was also a writer of short stories and children's books as well as a college professor specializing in drama and theatrics. Sundgaard was best known for his role in the production of six Broadway plays.

Sundgaard was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, and was of Norwegian descent. He attended Johnson Senior High School in Saint Paul, where he played football with Warren E. Burger. He then attended the University of Wisconsin, graduating with a bachelor's degree in English in 1935; he also studied at the Yale Drama School. He taught drama at a number of schools, including Columbia University, Bennington College, and the University of Texas. Sundgaaard was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in the field of music research in 1951.

Sundgaard worked with the Federal Theatre Project early in his career; in 1938 the Project produced, as part of the Living Newspaper series, his play Spirochete: A History, about the spread of syphilis. The play, the writing of which had been encouraged by Susan Glaspell, was a hit in Chicago at its premiere, but met with tremendous protest upon its transfer to Philadelphia. His first play for Broadway was a collaboration with Marc Connelly; titled Everywhere I Roam, it lasted 13 performances in 1938 and 1939. T. Edward Hambleton (1953-2005) produced his plays The First Crocus in 1942 and The Great Campaign in 1947; each lasted five performances only.Of Love Remembered appeared in 1967, directed by Burgess Meredith and starring Ingrid Thulin.

