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Province (largely autonomous vassal principalities) of the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates
Arminiya ca. 750-885
Capital Dvin
Languages Armenian (native language)
Religion Armenian Apostolic
Sunni Islam
Government Monarchy
Historical era Middle Ages
 •  Established 654
 •  Disestablished 884
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Persian Armenia
Byzantine Armenia
Caucasian Albania
Principate of Iberia
Kingdom of Armenia (Middle Ages)
Principality of Hamamshen

Arminiya, also known as the Ostikanate of Arminiya (Armenian: Արմինիա ոստիկանություն,Arminia vostikanut'yun), Emirate of Armenia (Arabic: إمارة أرمينيا‎‎, imārat Arminiya), was a political and geographic designation given by the Muslim Arabs to the lands of medieval Armenia, Caucasian Iberia, and Caucasian Albania following their conquest of these regions in the 7th century. Though the caliphs initially permitted an Armenian prince to represent the province of Arminiya in exchange for tribute and the Armenians' loyalty during times of war, Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan introduced direct Arab rule of the region, headed by an ostikan with his capital in Dvin.

The first Arab expedition reached Armenia in 639 AD.Dvin was captured and pillaged during this raid on 6 October 640. According to bishop Sebeos, in 641, the Arabs took the city of Tovin (Duin) by storm, killing 12,000 Armenians and taking 35,000 as captives. A third invasion took place in 642–643 and a fourth in 650, which captured some land north of Lake Van.

Armenia however remained under Byzantine suzerainty until 653/654, when Theodore Rshtuni voluntarily conceded Arab suzerainty and was recognized as autonomous prince of Armenia in return. According to this agreement, Armenia was recognized as an autonomous state subject to an annual tribute and a contribution of fifteen thousand troops to the Arab army. With Arab aid, Rhstuni repelled Byzantine attacks, and Arab troops even captured Theodosiopolis in 655, and cemented their control of the country by taking Rhstuni to Damascus and appointing his rival Hamazasp Mamikonian in his stead.

