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Apostolic Church of Queensland

The Apostolic Church of Queensland is an Australian church which has its roots in the restoration movement of the Catholic Apostolic Church of the early 19th century. It was founded 1883 in Queensland, Australia by H. F. Niemeyer and took its actual name in 1911.

It is a member church of the United Apostolic Church which was founded in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1956.

The church's logo is a 4R-symbol as it is used by the South African sister church, too. The four "R"s stand for: RIGHT - ROYAL - RIGHTEOUS - RICH. RIGHT according to the bible, ROYAL as the Bride to have membership with Christ, RIGHTEOUS in partaking of the body and blood of Christ and RICH in the promises Christ gave to his apostles.

The young evangelist Heinrich Friedrich Niemeyer, commonly referred to as H.F. Niemeyer, was sent to mission in Australia by the former new apostolic chief apostle Friedrich Krebs in 1883. He settled in Hatton Vale and started his mission among German immigrants. After a short period he gathered 80 people. In 1886, he was ordained as during a visit in Germany. After the death of Friedrich Krebs the new chief apostle Hermann Niehaus tried to strengthen his position in comparison to the other apostles and introduced reforms whereof a conflict occurred. After a general apostles' meeting in 1911 Niemeyer was expelled from his office and the church. All Australian church members followed him. Therefore, the new apostolic church history only starts in 1911.

During the World War I Niemeyer was imprisoned because of his German origin. His health weakened therefore and shortly after his release he died in 1920. His son Wilhelm Niemeyer took over the church's leadership. He was ordained as apostle already in 1912. From 1918 on the language in which divine services were held was changed from German to English. At this time there probably still existed a prophet's office which calls the other offices. It obviously was abolished afterwards as than visions and dreams revealed new talents for church ministries.

Wilhelm Niemeyer's successor was Emil Zielke who ordained two apostles, Arnold Edward Zielke (1905-1988) and Arnan Niemeyer (1908-1995) in 1961. The church was divided into a Northern and Southern district. In 1977 Meryn Zischke (1927-1988) succeeded Arnan Niemeyer. In 1988 suddenly both apostles died and it was up to the European apostles of the federation to look for new leaders. At that time differences between Europe and Australia became evident as on the 5th continent dreams and visions were very important for choosing new ministries. Only on 23 September 1990 the Elder Kenneth Dargusch(South-Queensland) and the Priest Clifford Flor (North-Queensland) were ordained in the Hatton Vale central church with 2.000 members attending the service.

