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Anthem of Arkhangelsk Oblast

The Anthem of Arkhangelsk Oblast (Russian: Гимн Архангельской области, Gimn Arkhangel'skoy oblasti) is an anthem used for the Oblast of Arkhangelsk in Russia. The anthem was approved by the Arkhangelsk Regional Assembly on 31 October 2007. The author of the lyrics and composer of the music of the anthem is Nina Konstantinovna Meshko.

Могуч и прекрасен!

Его не забудешь вовек.

Манят отважных

Бескрайние дали,

Где не ступал человек!

Здесь по Петрову

Веленью из моря

Ряд белокрылых

Фрегатов восстал.

И колыбелью Российского флота

Край наш Архангельский стал.

Здесь Ломоносов

Великий родился,

Мудростью мир осветил,

Былинные сказы,

Загадки природы

В научную быль воплотил.

Край наш поморский

В движении и силе,

Ему по плечу Новый век!

Космос, богатства,

Глубины морские —

Все покорит человек

Is beautiful and great!

Once seen, it won't leave your mind.

The fearless are called

By its boundless expanse,

Where no person has stepped before!

Here, from the sea,

By the will of Peter the Great,

A row of white-winged

Frigates arose.

And so the birthplace of the Russian navy

Became our home of Arkhangelsk.

This is the homeland

Of the great Lomonosov;

He brought the light of knowledge to the world,

The tales of old

And the mysteries of nature

He transformed into scientific realities.

Our land by the sea

Is strong and constantly moving,

And can handle the challenges that come!

Outer space, nature's treasures,

And the depths of the sea —

All of these can be conquered by man

