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Anna De Souza

Anna De Souza
Anna De Souza.jpg
Emmerdale character
Portrayed by Emma Davies
Duration 2008–2009
First appearance 8 July 2008
Last appearance 6 January 2009
Created by Anita Turner
Classification Former; regular
Occupation Businesswoman

Anna Catherine De Souza is a fictional character on the British soap opera Emmerdale played by Emma Davies. She made her first appearance on 8 July 2008 and left on 6 January 2009.

Anna De Souza's arrival was announced in June 2008. Emmerdale producer Anita Turner said, "Anna is a really interesting character. She seeks her father’s approval but everyone else must dance to her tune. Anna sees opportunities and goes for them. The King Brothers won't know what's hit them!" and "She's very much harping back to the history of the show... she has hidden depths – it's all about the complexities."

Actress Emma Davies described Anna as an "extremely fun and confident woman" who also has a "vulnerability", and due to her love for the country, is "more Kim Tate than Sadie King." In spite of the "superbitch" tag, Davies said Anna was "not a snob" and "not an obvious bitch."

In October 2008, Anita Turner announced that Emma Davies would be leaving around the end of 2008, saying, "Emma is a hugely talented actress but Anna's story always dictated a beginning, a middle and an end and that will culminate in dramatic scenes in December, which are being filmed at the moment."

Davies said,

Anna was extremely close to her father, Donald De Souza (Michael Jayston), while growing up, and helped him build his fortune. When she met Mark, Donald dismissed him as a fortune hunter, but Anna refused to end it. When she married Mark, Donald cut her out of his will and cut off all contact. She ran her own company in Dubai. Within six years, Mark had spent all Anna's money and was cheating on her. The marriage was over.

Anna was in touch with her brother, Miles (Ayden Callaghan). He told her about Donald's illness and she realised she had to see him. Anna arrived during Donald's 75th birthday party. She went to Holdgate Farm, looking for him and met Carl King (Tom Lister). Carl thought Anna was looking for a job and Anna didn't disillusion him. He told her about her father's birthday party at Home Farm and she went there to see him. At Home Farm, she and Carl bet their cars for whoever hit both targets in skeet shooting. Anna easily hit both targets but told Carl he could keep his car, as she didn't like it very much. After telling her father about the changes in her life, she said she couldn't let him be swayed by Carl the way she'd been swayed by Mark, and to remember Carl's family were their main rivals. Donald listened to her but made Carl Managing Director, telling Anna she had a lot to prove. Anna had no intention of giving up without a fight. She moved in with her father, ostensibly to help her brother, and soon began to clash with Carl.

