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Andrew Drummond (artist)

Andrew Drummond (born 1951 in Nelson, New Zealand) is a New Zealander painter and sculptor. He attended University of Waterloo in Canada, graduating in 1976. He was a Frances Hodgkins Fellow in 1980.

Andrew Drummond tends to focus on process and ritual while contemplating ideas of location. He considers the entanglements of the human body, ecology, and dislocated histories within the landscapes of New Zealand. In the 1970s, he created several documented performance works. Drummond lives and works in Christchurch, New Zealand. He earned his degree in Fine Arts from the University of Waterloo, Canada, and is currently a senior lecturer in sculpture at the University of Canterbury, School of Fine Arts. He is represented by Jonathan Smart gallery in Christchurch, Page Blackie gallery in Wellington and Antoinette Godkin gallery in Auckland.

Andrew Drummond works with the following medias and materials:

Andrew Drummond has received the following awards:

