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Alignment Neutral Evil
Type Outsider (Evil)
Publication history
Source books Faces of Evil, PSMC, PSMC2, Planes of Conflict, MM2, MM3, Fiend Folio
First appearance MM2(1e)

Yugoloths (formerly known as daemons) are a group of monsters in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game. As a category of creature, they are comparable to devils and demons. Yugoloths are neutral evil natives of the lower planes of the Bleak Eternity of Gehenna and the Gray Waste of Hades. In the third edition of the Forgotten Realms, they are native to the "Blood Rift" plane.

Yugoloths were originally called daemons in the first edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Descriptions for the Nycadaemon and Mezzodaemon appear in the Vault of the Drow module published in 1978. In that module, they are random encounter monsters in the city of Erelhei-Cinlu, the stronghold of the Drow. Along with other monsters, the Nycadaemon and Mezzodaemon were published in the Fiend Folio in 1981. They are able to move among all the lower planes at will.

Along with demons and devils, their names were changed in the second edition of Dungeons and Dragons to avoid conflict with fundamentalist Christians who viewed the game as satanic. The Nycadaemon and Mezzodaemon thus became the Nycaloth and Mezzoloth respectively. While demons and devils had their original names restored in the third edition of Dungeons and Dragons, the yugoloths did not.

The mezzodaemon and the nycadaemon first appeared in first edition in the adventure module Vault of the Drow (1978), and reprinted in the original Fiend Folio (1981); the guardian daemon also debuted in this book. The arcanadaemon, Charon (The Boatman of the Lower Planes), the charonadaemon, the derghodaemon, the hydrodaemon, the Oinodaemon (Anthraxus), the piscodaemon, the ultrodaemon, and the yagnodaemon first appeared in the original Monster Manual II (1983).

