Alfredo Dinis, often known by its nom de guerre, "Alex", was a notable Portuguese anti-fascist, member of the Portuguese Communist Party. "Alex" was murdered in 1945 by the PIDE (Policia Internacional de Defesa do Estado).
"Alex" was a metallurgical worker and joined the Communist Youth in 1936, aging 19. In August 1938 he was arrested by the PIDE. After spending 19 months in jail, he became the responsible for the Party's local committee in Almada, a suburb of Lisbon. In 1942 he was one of the major stimulator of the vast wave of strikes and demonstrations that swept the region of Lisbon, which were brutally repressed, due to the criminal character of the Portuguese fascist regime.
In 1943, "Alex" was present in the Party's 3rd Congress and was elected to the Central Committee. In 1944, he was again involved in the wave of strikes carried out in May. In 1945, short before being murdered, was elected to the Party's Political Bureau.
Alfredo Dinis was murdered by the political police near Sintra, on July 4 of 1945.