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Alexey Kaledin

Alexei Maximovich Kaledin (Russian: Алексе́й Макси́мович Каледи́н; 24 October 1861 – 11 February 1918) was a Russian Full General of Cavalry who led the Don Cossack White movement in the opening stages of the Russian Civil War.

Kaledin graduated from the Voronezh Military School, the Mikhaylovskoye Artillery School in Saint Petersburg (1882) and the General Staff Academy (1889). From 1903 to 1906, he served as principal at the Novocherkassk Military School. From 1906 to 1910, Kaledin served as Assistant Chief of Staff of the Don Army.

During World War I, he was a commander of the 12th Cavalry Division and of the 8th Army of the South-West Front. Kaledin did not accept the February Revolution of 1917 and was relieved of his commanding post due to his refusal to carry out Provisional Government's orders regarding democratization in the army. On June 17, 1917, Kaledin was appointed Ataman of the Don Cossack Host by the Cossack community and, at the insistence of Mitrofan Bogayevsky, became the head of the newly established Cossack "Army Government" (Войсковое правительство), restored for the first time since 1709. In August 1917, in Moscow, Kaledin came forward with his program of suppression of the revolutionary movement.

