Alexander Makowsky (17 December 1833 in Zwittau – 30 November 1908 in Brünn) was an Austrian botanist, geologist and paleontologist.
He studied at the University of Technology in Brünn, and afterwards, worked as a schoolteacher in Olmütz (1858–64) and Brünn (1864–68). From 1873 to 1905 he was a professor of geology and mineralogy at the technical university in Brünn.
He devoted the early part of his career to botanical studies, but his interests later switched to the areas of geology, paleontology and prehistory. Included in his research were studies of humans and animals of Moravia. With Anton Rzehak, he produced a geological map of the environs of Brünn, titled Geologische Karte der Umgebung von Brünn (1883). The discosauriscid seymouriamorph Makowskia laticephala commemorates his name.