Akhand Nagar is a block of Kadipur tehsil in Sultanpur district of Uttar Pradesh state in India. According to 2001 census, population of Akhand Nagar is 199489 and literacy rate is 55.64 percent. Akhand Nagar situated in 22 km east of Kadipur. Akhand Nagar is connected with Kadipur, Dostpur, Bilwai, Mohadi Sarai and Baramadpur. Akhand Nagar has a police station on Kadipur Road, petrol pump at Bilwai road. Block office and electric power house are situated at Kadipur road.kartikey computer narwari bazar. One of the state bank's branches is also located in Akhand Nagar. Mr Arun Tripathi The Sr Student Leader of Uptu is also belong to Akhnad Nagar. Currently he is working as a Social Worker in USA.
@chandra pratap chauhan@mobile no 9616094176