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Aiguebelle Abbey

Aiguebelle Abbey (French: Abbaye Notre-Dame d'Aiguebelle) is a Trappist monastery situated in the communes of Montjoyer and Réauville in the département of Drôme, on the borders of the Dauphiné and of Provence, France.

The first monastery here was Benedictine, founded in 1045 by Hugues Adhemar, baron of Grignan, and visited by Pope Paschal II in 1107, but shortly afterwards fell into disuse.

The abbey was re-founded as a Cistercian monastery by Gontard Loup, lord of Rochefort-en-Valdaine, in 1137, and settled from Morimond Abbey, of which it was a daughter house. The founder endowed it with land nearby, and through the 12th and 13th centuries other benefactors added to its lands, thus ensuring its prosperity.

Already by 1167 it was sufficiently established to found a daughter house of its own, Fénier Abbey, closely followed by Le Bouchet Abbey in 1169.

By the end of the 13th century the abbey was extremely well established and influential, but gradually lost its position through the 14th century. In common with many other monasteries it suffered from the effects of the Black Death and the Hundred Years' War, and also from changing views of spirituality which led to a fall in the number of vocations, especially among the lay brothers who worked the estates, which in turn led to the estates being leased out. In 1515 its governance passed into the hands of commendatory abbots, which produced still more decline, By the time of the French Revolution, in 1791, when the abbey was dissolved, the dispersed community consisted of only three monks. The abbey's goods were sold off, but the buildings were too far from transport connections to be worth the effort of demolishing for the materials, and therefore were left standing.

