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Agile kangaroo rat

Agile kangaroo rat
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Heteromyidae
Genus: Dipodomys
Species: D. agilis
Binomial name
Dipodomys agilis
Gambel, 1848

The agile kangaroo rat (Dipodomys agilis) is a species of rodent in the family Heteromyidae. It is found in Baja California, Mexico and southern California in the United States.

Relatively little information has been published on the natural history, life history, ecology, or behavior of the agile kangaroo rat. The species appears to be part of the Californian kangaroo rat radiation, which is derived from a common ancestor with Ord's kangaroo rat. Best compared 19 morphological measurements from specimens from 34 populations across the species range, and concluded that the species is monotypic. An observational study found distinct habitat differences between the agile and Stephens's kangaroo rats, with the agile preferring more shrubs and lighter soils.

