Adare Productions is an Irish entertainment television production company. It has produced numerous television shows which have been broadcast in Ireland, including Delegation, Livin' with Lucy, Hanging with Hector, The Fame Game, and Fáilte Towers for Radio Telefís Éireann, and Glas Vegas and Underdogs for TG4. The company is credited with discovering numerous television presenters.
Adare Productions was established in 1993. The company claims to have produced at least fourteen different entertainment series, eleven young peoples' series, four different lifestyle series, more than three hundred hours of live studio programmes and more than forty hours of music programmes. It has discovered presenters such as Caroline Morahan, Lucy Kennedy and Hector Ó hEochagáin.
Lynda McQuaid has been executive producer on Fáilte Towers and producer and director on The Apprentice.
Underdogs was a television programme broadcast on TG4. It featured "underdog" players of Gaelic games, focusing on those individuals who had never played senior inter-county football or hurling or received a nomination for a GAA All-Star, and offering them the chance to compete against teams of high quality. The first series was specifically dedicated to male footballers and hurlers. In June 2008, Adare Productions requested female applications for a follow-up series of The Underdogs.Brian Mullins managed the winning team which competed against the All-Ireland champions the following December.