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Abu Talha al-Ansari

Abū Ṭalḥa, Zayd ibn Sahl ibn al-Aswad ibn Ḥarām al-Khazrajī, was a renowned Companion of the Prophet Muḥammad and one of the Anṣār (the ‘Helpers’) of Medina. He was from Banu Khazraj, which after the Hijrah came to be known as the Ansar. He was mostly known as a valiant fighter and skilful archer of the early Islamic period. Abū Ṭalḥa was known to have been a horseman of the Prophet and was at the Prophet's side during the oath of allegiance at al-ʿAqaba and in the battles of Badr, Uḥud and Khandaq.

He died at the age of 70 in the year 34/654 in Medina. Those who narrated from him include: Anas ibn Malik, Ibn Abbas, 'Abd Allah ibn Abu Talha, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Abd al-Qari, Ishaq ibn 'Abd Allah ibn Abi Talha, the last of whom was his son.

