The Aberdare School Board was formed in 1871 and consisted of thirteen members elected for a period of three years. It was abolished, along with other School Boards in 1902 and its responsibilities transferred to Glamorgan County Council.
In the main, the members were local industrialists, tradesmen, nonconformist ministers. In later years, this changed to include a smattering of working men,
In late 1870 a vestry meeting was held at Aberdare, presided over by the rector of Aberdare, John David Jenkins, where it was agreed, on the proposal of Rev Thomas Price, seconded by Rees Hopkin Rhys, that a School Board be elected as soon as possible. Rev David Price, Siloa, hoped that there would be no contest. ‘A contest’, he argued, ‘would be productive of personal feeling besides being expensive and full of turmoil. It would also rouse a feeling of denominationalism, and he wished that to be entirely sunk. They should forget the sects in their regard for the general objects of the movement, and elect members for fitness alone.’
The first elections were held in 1871. Initially, 42 candidates were nominated for the election. Many withdrew before the poll but the election was still contested by twenty-three candidates. Of these, six were nonconformist ministers, five colliery agents, managers or proprietors. The first election was a contest between religious bodies but, as one local newspaper noted, none had reason to be disappointed with the result.
James Lewis, who had topped the poll, was proposed by Thomas Price as first chairman of the School Board. Price himself became vice chairman.
The first six months in the history of the Board were uneventful, in contrast to other places. In neighbouring Merthyr Tydfil, for example, the nonconformists were in a minority and a bye-law was passed, supported by the Anglicans and Roman Catholics, to endow their schools.
In 1874 ministers were reduced to three out of fifteen candidates, there were again five colliery officials, and the rest were publicans and drapers. In the 1880s, the pattern is clearer. Apart from David Morgan, the Aberdare miners' agent who topped the poll, the 1886 list included four influential figures connected with the coal industry, five ministers of various denominations, four grocers, two merchants and a solicitor.