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Abd-Allah ibn Umar

Abdullah ibn Umar
Born c.610 CE
Died 693
Era Islamic golden age
Region Muslim scholar
Religion Islam
Main interest(s) Hadith and Fiqh

Abdullah ibn Umar (Arabic: عبدالله بن عمر بن الخطاب‎‎) (c.610–693 CE) was the son of the second Caliph Umar and a brother-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was a prominent authority in hadith and law, and was known for his neutrality toward factions engaged in the first civil war within the Muslim community (656–661).

Abdullah ibn Umar was born c.610 in Mecca, the son of Umar ibn al-Khattab and Zaynab bint Madhun. His full siblings were Hafsa and Abdulrahman. His paternal brothers, born to his stepmother Umm Kulthum bint Jarwal, were Zayd and Ubaydullah. He had another stepmother, Qurayba bint Abi Umayya, but she had no children of her own.

The young Abdullah had vivid memories of his father's conversion to Islam. He remembered following him around the town as Umar declared his conversion to the neighbours and on the steps of the Kaaba. Ibn Umar asserted, "Although I was very young at the time, I understood everything I saw." His mother Zaynab also became a Muslim, but his two stepmothers did not.

The family emigrated to Medina in 622. A few months later, when Muhammad sentenced a pair of adulterers to lapidation, Ibn Umar was one of the people who threw the stones. Just before the Battle of Uhud in March 625, Muhammad called Ibn Umar, who was then fourteen years old, to present himself. But when Ibn Umar appeared, Muhammad would not allow him to fight in the battle. Two years later, as the Battle of the Trench approached, Muhammad again called Ibn Umar, and this time he decreed that the youth was old enough because he was mature and reached puberty. He was also present at the Battle of Al-Muraysi in 628.

