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A52 motorway (Switzerland)

The A52 is a main road (German: Autostrasse) (American English: Expressway) connecting Zumikon in the canton of Zürich with Hinwil and Rapperswil-Jona in the canton of St. Gallen.

It starts out from the intersection with Zumikon and Küsnacht. It passes through Zumikon and Forch before heading for Egg, Esslingen and finally Hinwil. Near Hinwil, there is a huge road roundabout with three different roads connecting to Rapperswil-Jona, Hinwil and again back to Zumikon and Forch. It finishes in Rüthi and Jona SG.

An Autostrasse is the Swiss equivalent of a major rural British "A" road. Portions of the road are nearly like a motorway or American expressway (without the central reservation) with very short entrance and exit sliproads (ramps), with two lanes going in each direction, making it four in all. Possibly due to this, the road is often surprisingly smooth to travel on.

The A52 is also referred to as the Forchstrasse (Forch Road) as it is a continuation of the Forchstrasse in a main road form.

It runs in a southeast-to-east direction before the Hinwil crossing, continuing south toward Rapperswil after the intersection.

