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94 (number)

← 93 94 95 →
Cardinal ninety-four
Ordinal 94th
Factorization 2 × 47
Divisors 1, 2, 47, 94
Roman numeral XCIV
Binary 10111102
Ternary 101113
Quaternary 11324
Quinary 3345
Senary 2346
Octal 1368
Duodecimal 7A12
Hexadecimal 5E16
Vigesimal 4E20
Base 36 2M36

94 (ninety-four) is the natural number following 93 and preceding 95.

94 is:

The ASCII character set (and, more generally, ISO 646) contains exactly 94 graphic non-whitespace characters, which form a contiguous range of code points. These codes (0x21–0x7E, as corresponding high bit set bytes 0xA1–0xFE) also used in various multi-byte encoding schemes for languages of East Asia, such as ISO 2022, EUC and GB 2312. For this reason, code pages of 942 and even 943 code points were common in East Asia in 1980s–1990s.

Ninety-four is:

