An octet is another name for byte. A byte has eight bits. This unit of digital information used to be common in computing and telecommunications when the term byte was ambiguous, since historically there was no standard definition for the size of the byte. The usage of the old term octad(e) for 8 bits is no longer common today.
The unit byte is platform-dependent and has represented various storage sizes in the history of computing. However, due to the influence of several major computer architectures and product lines, the byte became overwhelmingly associated with 8 bits. This meaning of byte is codified in such standards as ISO/IEC 80000-13. While to most people presently, byte and octet are synonymous, those working with certain legacy systems are careful to avoid ambiguity.
Octets are often expressed and displayed using a variety of representations, for example in the hexadecimal, decimal, or octal number systems. The binary value of all 8 bits set (or activated) is 2, equal to the hexadecimal value 1111111116, the decimal value FF10, and the octal value 2558. One octet can be used to represent decimal values ranging from 0 to 255. 377