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365 (number)

← 364 365 366 →
Cardinal three hundred sixty-five
Ordinal 365th
(three hundred sixty-fifth)
Factorization 5 × 73
Roman numeral CCCLXV
Binary 1011011012
Ternary 1111123
Quaternary 112314
Quinary 24305
Senary 14056
Octal 5558
Duodecimal 26512
Hexadecimal 16D16
Vigesimal I520
Base 36 A536

365 (three hundred [and] sixty-five) is the natural number following 364 and preceding 366.

365 is a semiprime centered square number. It is also the fifth 38-gonal number.

It is the smallest number which has more than one expression as a sum of consecutive square numbers:

There are no known primes with period 365, while at least one prime with each of the periods 1 to 364 is known.

There are 365.2422 solar days in the mean tropical year. Several solar calendars have a year containing 365 days. Related to this, in Ontario, the driver's license learner's permit used to be called "365" because it was valid for only 366 days. Financial and scientific calculations often use a 365-day calendar to simplify daily rates.

In the Jewish faith there are 365 "negative commandments". Also, the Bible states that Enoch lived for 365 years before entering heaven alive (see Genesis 5:23-24).

The letters of the deity Abraxas, in the Greek notation, make up the number 365. This number was subsequently viewed as signifying the levels of heaven.

