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31st government of Turkey

The 31st government of Turkey (November 3, 1969 – March 6, 1970) was a government in the history of Turkey. It is known as second Demirel government.

Justice Party (AP) won the elections held on October 12, 1969. Süleyman Demirel, the leader of the Justice Party, founded the government.

In the list below, the serving period of cabinet members who served only a part of the cabinet's lifespan are shown in the column "Notes".

Justice Party had a majority in the parliament. Soon, however, two opposition groups appeared in the party; those supporting the former Democratic Party politicians and those trying to form a rightist party. Thus, the government ended because of a vote of no confidence in the interpellation voting on February 11, 1970. The next government, however, was again founded by Demirel.

