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220 (number)

← 219 220 221 →
Cardinal two hundred twenty
Ordinal 220th
(two hundred twentieth)
Factorization 22× 5 × 11
Roman numeral CCXX
Binary 110111002
Ternary 220113
Quaternary 31304
Quinary 13405
Senary 10046
Octal 3348
Duodecimal 16412
Hexadecimal DC16
Vigesimal B020
Base 36 6436

220 (two hundred [and] twenty) is the natural number following 219 and preceding 221.

It is a composite number, with its divisors being 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 and 110, making it an amicable number with 284. Every number up to 220 may be expressed as a sum of its divisors, making 220 a practical number. Also, being divisible by the sum of its digits, 220 is a Harshad number.

It is the sum of four consecutive primes (47 + 53 + 59 + 61). It is the smallest even number with the property that when represented as a sum of two prime numbers (per Goldbach's conjecture) both of the primes must be greater than or equal to 23. There are exactly 220 different ways of partitioning 64 = 82 into a sum of square numbers.

It is a tetrahedral number, the sum of the first ten triangular numbers, and a dodecahedral number. If all of the diagonals of a regular decagon are drawn, the resulting figure will have exactly 220 regions.

It is the sum of the sums of the divisors of the first 16 positive integers.

The number 220 can also refer to:

