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2016 Soeratin Cup

Piala Soeratin
Season 2016

The 2016 Soeratin Cup season is a football competition which is intended for footballers born before 1 January 1999. This season is managed by competition committee of Province Association for qualification round and managed by PT. GTS in national round. The national round started on 19 November 2016.

Each Provincial Association only given one representative to the national round. 30 teams will perform in the final round, consist of 30 teams of provincial competition winners. National round took place in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Each Provincial Association only given one representative to the national round. Jakarta, West Kalimantan, West Papua, and Papua did not send its representative.

National round will take place in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta.

30 teams from each provincial association will compete. Matches for the Group stage will be played from 19–25 November 2016. All group will play half season round-robin.

This group will be held in Jenderal Hoegeng Stadium, Pekalongan and Moh Sarengat Stadium, Batang Regency.

Match 1

Match 2

Match 3

This group will be held in Jatidiri Stadium, Semarang and Citarum Stadium, Semarang.

Match 1

Match 2

Match 3

This group will be held in Pandanaran Stadium, Ungaran.

Match 1

Match 2

Match 3

This group will be held in Gelora Bumi Kartini Stadium, Jepara.

