The 2010 European Junior Swimming Championships were held from 14-18 July 2010 in Helsinki, Finland. The Championships were organized by LEN, the European Swimming League, and were held in a 50 m pool. Ages for competitors, per LEN rules are: girls-15 or 16 years old; boys-17 or 18 years old.
The 2010 Championships were held in the same country, and the week after, the 2010 European Junior Championships for diving (9-13 July in Helsinki, Finland) and synchronized swimming (7-11 July in Tampere, Finland). A 2010 European Junior Open Water Championships is also to be held; however, not in Finland, but rather in Hoorn, Netherlands on July 31.
521 swimmers (279 boys, 242 girls) from 44 countries were entered in the event. Teams were from (with total team size following name):
Five (5) countries were listed as attending, but without any swimmers: Albania,
Moldova, and