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2007 Canada Games

The 2007 Canada Winter Games were held in Whitehorse, Yukon, from Friday 23 February 2007 to Saturday 10 March 2007. These were the first Canada Games held North of 60 (in the northern territories). The games were held concurrent with the Inuit Games and Dene Games. The Games were televised by CBC, SRC, TSN, RDS, and APTN.

Prior to each Canada Games, a Torch Relay is conducted to herald the beginning of the competition and knit the country in common purpose. As the Olympic Torch is lit from the sun in great Olympia, the Canada Games Torch is lit from the Eternal Flame, burning upon Parliament Hill in the nation's capital. A truly staggering 100,000 km relay spanning the entire Canadian North was undertaken as a lead up to the start of the 2007 Canada Winter Games. After being lit in Ottawa, the Canada Games Torch was flown to CFB Alert, Nunavut, located on the north coast of Ellesmere Island - the "most northern permanently inhabited settlement in the world" where it was joined by the three 2007 Canada Winter Games Pan Northern Torches, each representing one of the Host Territories: Nunavut, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories. The Canada Games Torch lit the three Pan Northern Torches which were then taken by three northern athletes who began the Torch Relay trek for their respective Territory. Together, the Canada Winter Games pan northern torches visited over 83 communities, partook in 13 Torch Challenges spotlighting unique places in the North, and travelled by all forms of northern transportation. Through the torch relay the spirit of the 2007 Whitehorse Canada Winter Games spread to every corner of Canada's North and engaged all its people. On 22 February 2007, the three 2007 Canada Winter Games Pan Northern Torches reunited in Whitehorse, Yukon and on 23 February relit the Canada Games Torch, following which, all four torches lit the Canada Games Cauldron, signalling the ceremonial start of the 2007 Canada Winter Games.

