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179 (number)

← 178 179 180 →
Cardinal one hundred seventy-nine
Ordinal 179th
(one hundred seventy-ninth)
Factorization prime
Prime 41st
Divisors 1, 179
Roman numeral CLXXIX
Binary 101100112
Ternary 201223
Quaternary 23034
Quinary 12045
Senary 4556
Octal 2638
Duodecimal 12B12
Hexadecimal B316
Vigesimal 8J20
Base 36 4Z36

179 (one hundred [and] seventy-nine) is the natural number following 178 and preceding 180.

179 is an odd number.

179 is a prime number; that is, it is not divisible by integer (except for 1 and itself). It is an Eisenstein prime, as it is indivisible even by complex Gaussian integers. It is a Chen prime, being two less than another prime, 181. It is a full reptend prime, meaning 1/179 has a decimal expansion of a repeated sequence of 178 digits.

179 is a safe prime, as it is one more than two times the prime 89. It is also a Sophie Germain prime, as the prime 359 is one more than two times 179. It is only the fifth number with both of these properties (after 5, 11, 23, and 83).

179 is a strictly non-palindromic number. It is not a palindromic number in any base.

179 (of 365) days of the year are even numbered.

