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152 (number)

← 151 152 153 →
Cardinal one hundred fifty-two
Ordinal 152nd
(one hundred fifty-second)
Factorization 23× 19
Divisors 1, 2, 4, 8, 19, 38, 76, 152
Roman numeral CLII
Binary 100110002
Ternary 121223
Quaternary 21204
Quinary 11025
Senary 4126
Octal 2308
Duodecimal 10812
Hexadecimal 9816
Vigesimal 7C20
Base 36 4836

152 (one hundred [and] fifty-two) is the natural number following 151 and preceding 153.

152 is the sum of four consecutive primes (31 + 37 + 41 + 43). It is a nontotient since there is no integer with 152 coprimes below it.

152 is a refactorable number since it is divisible by the total number of divisors it has, and in base 10 it is divisible by the sum of its digits, making it a Harshad number.

Recently, the smallest repunit probable prime in base 152 was found, it has 589570 digits.

152 is also:

