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149 (number)

← 148 149 150 →
Cardinal one hundred forty-nine
Ordinal 149th
(one hundred forty-ninth)
Factorization prime
Prime 35th
Divisors 1, 49
Roman numeral CXLIX
Binary 100101012
Ternary 121123
Quaternary 21114
Quinary 10445
Senary 4056
Octal 2258
Duodecimal 10512
Hexadecimal 9516
Vigesimal 7920
Base 36 4536

149 (one hundred [and] forty-nine) is the natural number between 148 and 150. It is also a prime number.

149 is the 35th prime number, and with the next prime number, 151, is a twin prime, thus 149 is a Chen prime.

149 is an emirp, since the number 941 is also prime.

149 is a strong prime in the sense that it is more than the arithmetic mean of its two neighboring primes.

149 is an irregular prime since it divides the numerator of the Bernoulli number B130.

149 is an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and a real part of the form .

The repunit with 149 1s is a prime in base 5 and base 7.

Given 149, the Mertens function returns 0. It is the third prime having this property.

149 is a tribonacci number, being the sum of the three preceding terms, 24, 44, 81.

