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Ōasahiko Shrine

Ōasahiko Shrine
Ōasahiko Shrine's haiden
Dedicated to Ōasahiko-no-Okami
Address 13 Aza Hirotsuka, Bando
Oasa-cho, Naruto
Tokushima 779-0230
Website www.ooasahikojinja.jp/e/
Shinto torii icon vermillion.svgGlossary of Shinto

Ōasahiko Shrine (大麻比古神社 Ōasahiko-jinja?) is a Shinto shrine located at the base of Mt. Ōasa in Naruto, Tokushima, Japan. The kami enshrined there are Ōasahiko-no-Okami and Sarutahiko-no-Okami.

It is believed that in the era of Emperor Jimmu, Ame-no-Tomi-no-Mikoto came to the Awa region (an ancient region that encompassed most of present-day Tokushima Prefecture) seeking fertilized land to sow hemp seeds. The planted seeds were then cultivated by the area's population so they could produce linen called asa, which formed the base of the area's industry. Because of the impact he had on furthering the welfare of Japan, Ōasahiko Shrine was dedicated in the area to worship him as a kami named Oasahiko-no-Okami.

The secondary kami enshrined at Ōasahiko is Sarutahiko-no-Okami. He is depicted as standing at the junction of heaven and earth to guide the grandchildren of Amaterasu, the Imperial Family and the founders of the human race to earth. He is primarily known for greeting and guiding Ninigi-no-Mikoto, grandson of Amaterasu, to earth. After his various achievements, he was enshrined at Ōasahiko Shrine along with Oasahiko-no-Okami.

The exact year of the foundation of Ōasahiko Shrine is unknown. The earliest documentation of the shrine, however, is found in the Engishiki, written in 927. The book, a compendium of governmental rules and procedures, lists the shrine in its list of 2,861 shrines that received offerings from the court at the annual spring festival, Kinensai.

