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Telephone numbers in Greece

Greece telephone numbers
Country Greece
Continent Europe
Access codes
Country calling code +30
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix none

This is a list of dialing codes in Greece. The first digit represents type of service. 1 is used for short codes, 2 for geographical numbers (3 and 4 are reserved for that purpose too), 5 is used for inter-network routing purposes (non-dialable codes) and VPNs, 6 for mobile services, 7 is reserved for universal access numbers (not active), 8 for reduced fee services (like 800 toll-free, 801 local call, 89 dial-up and data services), 9 is used for premium rate services (901 for general purpose and 909 for adult-only services). All dialable numbers are ten digits, except for short codes (3-5 digits on the 1 range), 807-XXXX (seven digits) used for calling card access codes, and numbers on the 5 range, used for routing purposes and not dialable by end subscribers.

Geographical area codes start with the digit 2. There are currently two-, three-, and four-digit area codes. The only two-digit area code is 21 for the Athens Metropolitan area: three-digit codes are used for the cities Thessaloniki, Patras, Larissa, Heraklion, Kavala, Tripoli. The rest of the codes are four-digit codes.

Generally speaking, the second digit of a geographical area code signifies a broader geographical area of Greece, That is how area codes are sorted in this article.

Two-digit codes are used with eight-digit subscriber numbers, three-digit codes with seven-digit numbers, and four-digit codes with six-digit numbers so the full telephone number is always ten digits.

Subscriber numbers in most areas start with 0. That is the digit that was inserted between the area code and the subscriber number to form the new ten-digit numbering plan back in 2002. Thus, many Greeks erroneously think that the area codes include this leading 0. For example, they think that Athens's area code is 210 while, actually, Athens's area code is 21, 0 being the first digit of the subscriber number.

Subscriber numbers starting with 0 are assigned to the former monopoly OTE. In bigger cities like Athens and Thessaloniki, subscriber numbers starting with other digits except 0 are becoming more and more common, especially amongst business subscribers. In this case many people think that the area code is different. For example, a subscriber number in Athens might start with 211, with people thinking that 211 is a distinct area code from 210 while, in reality, both numbers are in the 21 area code and the third digit of the number belongs to the subscriber number.

