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Multi-subject instructional period

In an educational milieu MSIP can be defined as the either the Manitoba School Improvement Plan or the Multi-Subject Instructional Period. For the purpose of this article the acronym MSIP will be used exclusively to refer to the multi-subject instructional period.

The Manitoba School Improvement Project dates from 1991, when it was established as a result of the vision of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, a Canadian charitable foundation. The Foundation was interested in enhancing education for "students at risk" and needed a province with an educational community that would welcome and support their involvement. The Province of Manitoba met their criteria and a pilot program was begun. Established initially with a very definite urban focus, the program has in recent years expanded to not only include the province's rural community but other Canadian jurisdictions.

MSIP promotes an alternative academic schedule for high school students. Students in Canada generally attend high schools where the school year is divided into two semesters consisting of four period days. Class time can vary slightly but most classes last between 70 and 76 minutes. Instead of the standard four 75-minute periods found in the semestered school MSIP schools adopt five 60-minute periods including one 60-minute multi-subject instructional period.

Students attend their regular four classes each day plus a one-hour supervised MSIP class. Students in any one MSIP class are arranged in multi-grade formation with varied levels of ability. Their course selections determine their timetable and where the MSIP class will fall. In many cases the MSIP class begins with 20 minutes of silent literacy work - reading or writing complimenting the movement to improve literacy skills. The rest of the period students may use for work on assignments, make up work they missed due to absences or get help in areas where they are falling behind. Students have the ability to move within the school environment during their MSIP period to seek extra help, use computer and research resources, attend guidance counselling appointments and meet with subject teachers where possible. The flexibility of this format alleviates the disruption normally associated with the typical semesterted schedule.

