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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Brand name confectionery
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru

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Nerds (candy)

Nerds are an American candy sold by Nestlé under The Willy Wonka Candy Company. Their unusual shape and thin candy-coating is comparable to rock candy. With their anthropomorphic covers, Nerds usually contain two flavors per box, and each flavor has a separate compartment and opening. Larger packages may contain various colors—sometimes referred to as "Rainbow Nerds."

Angelo Fraggos launched the production of Nerds in 1983. By 1985, Nerds were recognized as "Candy of the Year" by the National Candy Wholesalers Association (NCWA). The United Kingdom sold a three-box chambered package of Nerds, with strawberry cola as one of the flavors. Throughout the years, the product has been sold in a box with compartments, each compartment containing a different flavor .

The television show Unwrapped explains how Nerds are made. A factory worker states, "Basically we start off with a sugar crystal and we just keep coating it with more sugar." The factory spins huge barrel-like containers of sugar crystals, which receive coats of sugar until the Nerds are formed. Their original color is pure white; they receive their colors in separate barrels. Each barrel is then transferred into the different nerd boxes. For instance, strawberry and grape go together—the most famous flavor combination among Nerds.

The article "Nerds Candy Nutrition" states, "Nerds primarily consist of sugar. The top three ingredients are dextrose, sugar and malic acid. The rest of the candy contains less than 2 percent of corn syrup, artificial flavors, carnauba wax and artificial coloring. The artificial coloring varies by flavor." The allergy warnings of this candy state that Nerds are created "in a facility that also produces wheat and egg." The normal serving size is one tablespoon—about 15 grams. (One serving of Nerds is equivalent to 60 calories.) The Halloween hand-out size is typically 15 grams, and the larger boxes contain 141.7 grams. Nerds consist of neither fat nor protein; the main calories come from carbohydrates.

Nerds were a popular candy in the 1980s, but they had big competitors including Pop Rocks, Candy Buttons, and Mike and Ike’s. Nerds also had a close cousin in the '80s—Dweebs. Dweebs were very similar to Nerds; but they were less sour and bigger in size. One of the most popular differences is that Dweebs contained three flavors instead of two, though the United Kingdom had a box of nerds with three flavors for a limited time. According to Rob Bricken, "A squishier Nerd with more leg space and a surprise in the middle, Dweebs were more substantial, less sour, and displayed a greater depth and complexity than Nerds." Dweebs only lasted a short time on the market, however.


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Nero (confectionery)

NERO is a chocolate- and liquorice-based candy bar made by Nidar AS of Trondheim, Norway. It consists of a liquorice-flavoured jelly with additional aniseed and fennel oil flavourings, covered in a layer of 45%-cacao dark chocolate. The bar commonly retails for 10 Norwegian kroner.


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Nestl%C3%A9 Crunch


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Nirala Sweets

Nirala Sweets was founded in 1945 and is a confectionery chain based in Lahore, Pakistan with 22 stores across various cities in Pakistan (15 in Lahore) and 2 stores in the UAE (1 in Dubai and 1 in Sharjah).

The company sells traditional sweets (Mithai) and their own branded snacks, dairy products and beverages. At selected outlets (Jail Road/Lahore, Dubai, Sharjah) they also serve traditional breakfast:


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Coordinates: 53°52′00″N 10°41′09″E / 53.86653°N 10.685698°E / 53.86653; 10.685698

J. G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG is a producer of marzipan and sweets. It is based in Lübeck, Germany.

Niederegger was founded in Lübeck on 1 March 1806 by Johann Georg Niederegger (1777–1856). The company is a family-owned limited private partnership.

Niederegger marzipan made by 'canditors' since the days of the Hanseatic League is classed as 100% marzipan. By the 19th century, marzipan, traditionally the choice of kings and queens, was becoming popular with the ordinary people of Lübeck. The legend that Niederegger marzipan contains much less sugar in comparison to other marzipan makers began with Georg, who was apprentice to Maret, another confectioner. Georg left in 1806 to set up his own shop and the products he produced were of such high quality that they were sought out by kings and tsars.

In the town center of Lübeck, opposite the Town Hall, the always-crowded Café Niederegger known as the "harem confectionary" offers a café, a shop for Niederegger sweets, and a marzipan museum on its upper floors. It is possible to trace the sale of the almond product on the premises back to 12th century. Among the many customers was the writer, and son of Lübeck, Thomas Mann.


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Nestl%C3%A9 Milk Chocolate


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Now and Later

Now and Later is a brand of fruit-flavored taffy-like candy manufactured by Ferrara Candy Company. The candy is formed into squares packaged in colorful paper. Nineteen flavors are currently available in both the Traditional and Chewy variety.

The slogan "Share the Square", replaced the original "Eat Some Now, Kid."

The name Now and Later was meant to suggest to customers that they eat some of the taffy squares in the bar right away and save the rest for another occasion. They also sold several candy-and-a-toy products.

In 1978 the Phoenix Candy Company was sold to Beatrice Foods.

The company merged with Leaf in 1983, and sold it to Nabisco in 1992. Farley's & Sathers Candy Company bought it in 2000 following Kraft/Philip Morris' acquisition of Nabisco. In 2012, Farley's & Sathers Candy Company merged with Ferrara Pan Candy Company and the name of the company was changed to Ferrara Candy Company. Now and Later's are currently produced by Ferrara Candy Company.


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NutRageous is a chocolate bar made by The Hershey Company. It consists of Reese's Peanut Butter topped with roasted peanuts and caramel enrobed in chocolate-flavored coating. Developed as a candy bar loosely based on the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, NutRageous was first sold in 1994. NutRageous was originally called Acclaim, but this name was changed just prior to its release due to focus groups (mainly of children) responding more to the "NutRageous" branding. In 2014, "Nutrageous" was rebranded as "Nut Bar" internationally and the weight of the bar was reduced from 51 g to 47 g.

A unique point of the Nutrageous name was suggested in its advertising. It was implied that the Nutrageous bar was named such because it tasted so good, they needed to come up with a new adjective to explain how good it was.


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Oatfield (confectioner)


Oatfield is a chocolate and confectionery manufacturer located in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland. The company is over 100 years old making it the oldest confectionery manufacturer in Ireland.

The business began as a wholesale and retail outlet on the Port Road in the town. The McKinney family began to make their own sweets and on 15 August 1927. The first sweets were made on the open coke fire in a shed at the back of the shop. The land on which the factory now stands was purchased in November 1929, the first sod was cut in February 1930. Six people were employed at the time.

The company at the time was known as Mayfield Confectionery but the name was quickly changed as another company in Manchester traded by this name. The company name was changed to Oatfield. The land on which the factory is built was known as Oatfield. The May was dropped and Oat was substituted and hence the name “Oatfield”. The weekly production of confectionery was about 3 tons. Today the company produces approximately 65 tons a week.

Sugar was purchased in the 1930s from Tate & Lyle. Glucose came from Manchester. They were delivered by ship and rail via Derry to Letterkenny railway station. Later, glucose was shipped from the Netherlands to the Letterkenny Port. Today, only Irish sugar and Irish glucose are used. Butter has always been Irish Creamery Butter.

By 1960 Oatfield decided to stop marketing packed sweets made by Cadburys, Rowntree, Urney's Chocolates, Bassetts Licorice Allsorts, Jacobs Biscuits, William and Wood, Ritchies Mints and Milroy Confectionery. The company now began to focus entirely on selling Oatfield sweets. This was a major decision and proved a major success for the company.

Exporting began in August 1964. The first sweets were exported to Northern Ireland. The sweets are exported on a worldwide scale which includes countries as far away as the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, Kuwait, Greece and France to name a few.


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Oh Henry!

Oh Henry! is a candy bar containing peanuts, caramel, and fudge coated in chocolate. It was first introduced in 1920 by the Williamson Candy Company of Chicago, Illinois.

According to Nestle's site, Oh Henry! was originally named after a boy who frequented the Williamson company, flirting with the girls who made the candy.

In 1923, an employee of Williamson named John Glossinger announced that he was going to make the Oh Henry! bar a national best seller. Company officials said that it was impossible and denied him the funds for an advertising campaign. Glossinger went into the streets and pasted stickers onto automobile bumpers saying merely "Oh Henry!". People became curious as to what an Oh Henry! was, and sales for the bar rose quickly.

Nestlé acquired the United States rights to the brand in 1984 and continues to produce the bar. In Canada, the bar is currently sold by The Hershey Company and was manufactured at their Smiths Falls, Ontario facilities prior to its closure. Because of Canada's different chocolate standards, the Canadian "Oh Henry!" is not considered a "chocolate bar" and is labeled instead as a "candy bar". The American version labels the bar as "milk chocolate", while the Canadian version contains no milk chocolate at all; it contains a compound chocolate coating. The bars are also different in appearance: the Canadian version is one bar with the fudge in the center, the fudge surrounded with a thin layer of caramel, and the nuts surrounding that layer before it is surrounded in the coating. Hershey sells Oh Henry! bars made in Canada on a very limited basis in the United States as Rally bars, using the trademark of a Hershey product introduced in the 1970s and later discontinued.


