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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Entertainment...Wikipedia

piglix posted in Entertainment by Galactic Guru

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Entertainment technology is the discipline of using manufactured or created components to enhance or make possible any sort of entertainment experience. Because entertainment categories are so broad, and because entertainment models the world in many ways, the types of implemented technology are derived from a variety ... Read »

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Gospel magic is the use of otherwise standard stage magic tricks and illusions to promote Christian messages. Gospel Magic does not claim to invoke spirits or paranormal powers. Gospel Magic is intended to present the Christian good news through "visual parables" the trick or illusion in Gospel Magic is used to present ... Read »

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Hat puzzles are logic problems that date back to as early as 1961. A number of players, at least three, are each wearing a hat, which may be of various specified colours. Players can see the colours of at least some other players' hats, but not that of their own. With highly restricted communication or none, some of ... Read »

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A head shot or headshot is a specific type of portrait (usually a photograph) that realistically demonstrates a person's appearance for branding or casting. Many head shots are promotional pictures of actors, models, authors. Headshots could be a portrait of a face or full body with a background that clearly illustrate ... Read »

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A film, also called a movie, motion picture, theatrical film or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succes ... Read »

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Home entertainment server systems differ from traditional media center systems in that they designed from inception for storage, management and sharing of entertainment content, much as a file server is mission designed to share traditional computer files. These systems are optimized for entertainment file sharing allo ... Read »

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A "home theater in a box" (HTIB) is an integrated home theater package which "bundles" together a combination DVD or Blu-ray player, a multi-channel amplifier (which includes a surround sound decoder, a radio tuner, and other features), speaker wires, connection cables, a remote control, a set of five or more surround ... Read »

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A hype man in hip hop music and rapping is a backup rapper and/or singer who supports the primary rappers with exclamations and interjections, and who attempts to increase the audience's excitement with call-and-response chants. Music writer Mickey Hess expands the term as follows: "a hype man is a figure who plays a ... Read »

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Motion-capture acting, also called performance-capture acting, sometimes abbreviated as MoCap or Pcap, is a type of acting in which an actor wears markers or sensors on a skintight bodysuit or directly on the skin. Several cameras from different angles record the actor's movements simultaneously, recording the three-di ... Read »

