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Game background
Title(s) Lady of Fungi, Demon Queen of Fungi, Demon Lady of Fungi
Home plane Abyss
Power level Demon lord
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Portfolio Fungus
Domains Chaos, Evil, Ooze, Plant
Superior None
Design details

In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Zuggtmoy or Tsuggtmoy is the Demon Queen of Fungi. Her symbol is a jawless human skull with fungi blooming from within, though some of her false cults use other symbols. For example, her cult in the Temple of Elemental Evil used the symbol of the Elder Elemental Eye.

Zuggtmoy is the "dread and fell ruler of the 222nd ghastly plane of the Abyss."

The demoness Zuggtmoy has always been mentioned in first edition World of Greyhawk supplements as an ally and perhaps consort/lover to the vile demigod Iuz. She was mentioned in passing in the 1st edition Monster Manual 2. It wasn't until the release of the supermodule T1-4 The Temple of Elemental Evil that players got a good look at Zuggtmoy.

Zuggtmoy was featured in third edition in the Demonomicon of Iggwilv column in Dragon #337 (2005). She also appeared in Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss (2006).

Zuggtmoy was detailed in the Fourth Edition Demonomicon (2010).

In September 2015 Zuggtmoy was updated to the Fifth Edition rules in the Out of the Abyss.

As Lady of Fungi, Zuggtmoy as originally presented resembled a huge puffball fungus on top of four elephantine legs. A mushroom-shaped head with squashed and vague humanoid-like features resided atop her body. She could extrude pseudopodia from her bloated body to squash opponents. Canonically, Zuggtmoy can also appear as a feeble crone or a ravishingly-beautiful human woman.

