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Main isotopes of zirconium
Iso­tope Decay
abun­dance half-life (t1/2) mode pro­duct
88Zr syn 83.4 d ε 88Y
89Zr syn 78.4 h ε 89Y
β+ 89Y
90Zr 51.45% is stable
91Zr 11.22% is stable
92Zr 17.15% is stable
93Zr trace 1.53×106 y β 93Nb
94Zr 17.38% is stable
96Zr 2.80% 2.0×1019 y ββ 96Mo
Standard atomic weight (Ar)
  • 91.224(2)

Naturally occurring zirconium (40Zr) is composed of four stable isotopes (of which one may in the future be found radioactive), and one very long-lived radioisotope (96Zr), a primordial nuclide that decays via double beta decay with an observed half-life of 2.0×1019 years; it can also undergo single beta decay, which is not yet observed, but the theoretically predicted value of t1/2 is 2.4×1020 years. The second most stable radioisotope is 93Zr, which has a half-life of 1.53 million years. Twenty-seven other radioisotopes have been observed. All have half-lives less than a day except for 95Zr (64.02 days), 88Zr (63.4 days), and 89Zr (78.41 hours). The primary decay mode is electron capture for isotopes lighter than 92Zr, and the primary mode for heavier isotopes is beta decay.

Zirconium is the heaviest element that can be formed from symmetric fusion, from either 45Sc, or 46Ca producing 90Zr (after two beta-plus decays from 90Mo) and 92Zr respectively. All heavier elements are formed either through asymmetric fusion or during the collapse of supernovae. As most of these are energy-absorbing processes, most nuclides of elements heavier than zirconium are theoretically unstable to spontaneous fission, although in many cases, the half-life for this is too long to have been observed. See list of nuclides for a tabulation.

89Zr is a radioisotope of zirconium with a half-life of 78.41 hours. It is produced by proton irradiation of natural yttrium-89. Its most prominent gamma photon has an energy of 909 keV.

Zirconium-89 is employed in specialized diagnostic applications using positron emission tomography imaging, for example, with zirconium-89 labeled antibodies (immuno-PET). For a decay table, see Maria Vosjan. "Zirconium-89 (89Zr)". Cyclotron.nl. 

