"Zindagi is an award winning book from British India that shares moral and ethical lessons in life and the punishments and rewards in ones afterlife in a humorous and entertaining way. Zindagi was written in 1930's British India and by a leader and thinker of the Free India movement in The Punjab, while in Jail for non-violently protesting British Colonial rule of India."
Chaudhry Afzal Haq (died 8 January 1942) was a Writer, Humanitarian, Leader of Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-Islam and a senior political figure in the history of South Asia. He Worked to help the poor and unrepresented in the Punjab. He was also a founder of Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-Islam. He founded Ahrar with Syed Ata Ullah Shah Bukhari. He was elected for three times in Punjab Assembly. He was also a Member of the Legislative Assembly of India. He was known as Mufakkir-e-Ahrar. He wrote many book's such as Zindagi, Mehbub-e-Khuda, Deen-e-Islam, Azadi-e-Hind, Mera Afsanah, Jawahraat, Mashooqa-e-Punjab, Shaoor, Dehati rooman, Pakistan and untouchability, Taareekh-e-Ahrar, Dunya may dozakh, Islam and Socialism etc. He died on January 8, 1942, in Lahore.