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Zealotry in Jewish history

Zealots were a group of political adversaries to Roman rule in Judaea, who were determined to protect their religion from the imposition of Roman rituals and to end Gentile rule over the Jewish people. Britannica Online defines "zealot" as a "member of a Jewish sect noted for its uncompromising opposition to pagan Rome and the polytheism it professed"; and identifies zealots as revolutionaries against the Romans. The word comes from zealous.

Brandon says "[s]ince Josephus is almost our sole informant of these events and their consequences, it is necessary to examine carefully both what he tells us about them and how he tells us of them". Josephus names the activists "Zealots" to indicate to the readers that these people were "an unfortunate aberration from the main tradition of Jewish thought and practice"."On analysis, his attitude is seen to be curiously ambivalent: the logic of events, as well as the needs of self-justification, caused him to regard the Zealots as dangerous fanatics and to denigrate them as ‘brigands’; yet, as a Jew, he could not fail to appreciate that such men had given themselves wholeheartedly to preserve the sovereignty of Yahweh over Israel". Josephus provides an informed account of the activities of the Zealots in the Ancient worlds. His information has led to extensive knowledge concerning the political atmosphere of the time and the relevant information on zealots in the ancient world. Allen informs the audience that "Josephus refers to the Zealots as the "fourth Jewish philosophy," founded by Judas the Galilean (in 6 A.D.); he strongly contends that all succeeding troubles including the burning of the Temple can be traced to his teaching"

There are many "beginning" leaders and the "original" zealots. Josephus characterizes names a few leaders of different zealot movements, but he also identifies "Zealots Proper". The New Encyclopedia of Judaism names the zealots of note, including "… the Sicarii (knife wielders) under Judah of Galilee, Judah’s son Menahem and descendent Eleazar ben Jair… (Who was the commander at Masada)" The "Zealots Proper" occupied Jerusalem and consisted of Eleazar ben Simeon and other priests. Josephus also mentions John of Giscala and Simeon bar Giora. The following is a history of the leaders that are rumored to have been the "original" zealot leaders.

Andromeda Encyclopedia names the zealots as the heirs of the Maccabees and the revolt of the Second Century when Israel was under the direction of the Seleucids. The Maccabees themselves became the Kings of Israel in late 140 BC. They were originally priests, but in 166 BC Judas Maccabeus started and led the revolt that usurped the Seleucid dynasty and freed Jerusalem. Judas rededicated the Temple in 164 and was killed in 161. The Maccabees and Jerusalem fell to civil war in 63 BC, which led to Roman intervention led by Pompey. Resistance continued until Hyrcanus II was put to death in 30 BC. Farmer references the Maccabees when he discusses zealot action in the ancient Holy Land and the comparison it to the Maccabean/Pompey conflict. The zealots fought against Rome, because the Romans had a religious view that differed from their own and the Romans were the pagans in the Holy Land. The zealots followed in the path of the Maccabees and decided to rise against their pagan oppressors. The Maccabean impact on the zealot movement in Israel is fluid, and it can be said that the Maccabees were the original zealots in Israel.1D "The importance of the Maccabees for the zealots was simply this: the Maccabees had been obedient to the commandments of God- they had been zealous for his Law and his temple-and he had given them victory over the great hosts of the heathen". "The success of the Maccabees was the most recent and glorious demonstration of what zeal for Yahweh could accomplish".

