The Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA) is a Zimbabwean parastatal responsible for the management, maintenance and development of Zimbabwe's national road network.
The Zimbabwe National Road Administration (ZINARA) falls under the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Infrastructural Development and was established in August 2001, in terms of the Roads Act of 2001 with the aim of enhancing road network system throughout the Zimbabwe.
ZINARA's vision and mission is to become a world class road manager, providing secure, stable and adequate reservoir of funds, to fund effectively maintenance of the national road network through fixing, collection, disbursement and monitoring of funds usage for preservation, enhancement and sustainable development.
ZINARA is run under the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Infrastructural Development
ZINARA consists of a part-time Board of Directors which serves for a three-year period, and a full-time CEO. It has 12 board members and 7 senior managers in 7 departments.
ZINARA Board Members as of Monday, 8 September 2014 were 12 members:
• The Board Chairman
• The Vice - Board Chairman
• The 10 Board Members
The ZINARA Executive team as on Saturday, 20 September 2014 were as follows:
• Eng. M. J. Juma (acting CEO)
• Mr. P. Murove (Director: Administration)
• Mrs. M. Mujokoro (Company Secretary)
The Zimbabwe National Roads Administration (ZINARA) is responsible for managing the Road Fund and disbursing the local road authorities. The local road authorities are:
• The Department of Roads in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development which is responsible for trunk roads.
• The Urban Councils responsible for urban roads.
• The Rural District Councils (RDC) and the District Development Fund (DDF) which are responsible rural roads.
The road network excluding urban roads totals 76,241 km of which 9,256 km or 12.1% are bitumen surfaced.
Road Network Thursday, 1 November 2012 10:31 Most of these roads are more than 30 years and therefore requires complete rehabilitation works. ZINARA has in the past 9 years been able to fund the routine and periodic maintenance countrywide.
Classified roads fall under three categories.
1. Regional Trunk Road Network (RTRN): Roads linking countries within southern African region.
2. Secondary Roads: Those roads that connect regional, primary, tertiary and urban roads, industrial and mining centers, tourist attractions and minor border posts are the secondary roads.