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Yesu Matha Niragaranam

The Yesu Matha Niragaranam (யேசு மத நிராகரணம்)The Refuting the Religion of Jesus in English, contains themes against Christianity in Tamil written by Siva Prakasar.

Yesu Matha Niragaranam is compiled as a book against Christianity.

Siva prakasar, a Tamil Phiolospher, Sage, Poet lived at the end of 17th century.He is also called as ‘Siva anuputhi selvar, ‘Karpanai Kalangiyam’, ‘Thurai mangalam Sivaprakasar’ for the benefit of the human beings. Sivaprakasa swamigal, a Shaiva Siddhanta. contributed more than Thirty four books for the Thamizh Literature.

Siva Prakasar wrote this book against Christianity with brief examples. As per History Roberto de Nobili met him and debated with him about Hinduism and Christianity. After the debate Siva Prakasar compiled this book. As per the History there were no copy of this book found and also few writers said it was burnt by someone. Few writer's says that Sivaprakasar debated with Rev.Fr.Constanzo Beschi alias (Veera ma munivar) not with Roberto de Nobili.

S.V.S. Rathinam a Patriot, Bench Magistrate from Siva Prakasar's brother Velaiyar's lineage had mentioned about this book in his autobiography "Naan Ungal Thoni". In that book he had written that his Grand father Susai alias Swaminatha Desikar son of Sundaresanar had that palm leaflet copy and it was found missing later years.

