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Yeshivat Ma'ale Gilboa

Yeshivat Ma'ale Gilboa
Kibbutz Ma'ale Gilboa
Type Post-high-school and Shiluv Yeshiva
Established 1993
Staff 20
Number of students 100
Affiliation Modern Orthodox Judaism Dati Leumi (Religious Zionist)
Rashei Yeshiva Rabbi Yehuda Gilad, Rabbi David Bigman and
Rabbi Shmuel Reiner

Yeshivat Ma'ale Gilboa (Hebrew: ישיבת מעלה גלבוע ‎) is a Shiluv Yeshiva located on Kibbutz Ma'ale Gilboa in Israel's Gilboa Mountains. The Shiluv Yeshiva is unique in that it combines two years of Torah study with the full three years of army service. This is in contrast to students from Hesder Yeshivot, which only serve in the army for a year and a half and complete three and a half years of Torah study. The Yeshiva emphasizes a commitment to rigorous Torah study, intellectual openness, intellectual disagreement and social consciousness.

In 1993, the Kibbutz HaDati (Religious Kibbutz) Movement approached and encouraged Rabbi Shmuel Reiner, then Rabbi of Kibbutz Tirat Zvi, to open a Yeshiva in the north of Israel to complement Kibbutz HaDati's (then) decade old Yeshiva in Ein Zurim. Rabbi Reiner approached his friend Rabbi Yehuda Gilad, then as now, Rabbi of Kibbutz Lavi, to join him. They jointly began to recruit both students and staff.

Ma'ale Gilboa was chosen to host the Yeshiva not only because of the natural beauty of surrounding area, but to strengthen the slowly diminishing kibbutz community.

In 1994, the Yeshiva opened its doors, and, in addition to the Rashei Yeshiva, it attracted a most dedicated staff of educators, including Rabbi Meir Rubinstein and Rabbi David Bigman, who was then Rosh Yeshiva at Ein Zurim and came back to Ma'ale Gilboa to serve as Rosh Yeshiva.

At first, the Yeshiva was hosted in the Kibbutz's Synagogue, but quickly outgrew that. Within several years it moved to its current campus opposite the Kibbutz's old headquarters in the 'Migdal' or 'Tower.' New modern dormitories were built to accommodate the increase in enrollment. Later, the Yeshiva took over the management of the local 'inn'-Margoa BaGilboa.

Yeshivat Maale Gilboa is committed to educating a generation of young students who relate to a pluralistic and democratic Israeli society. The Yeshiva's diverse group of educators emphasize a commitment to rigorous Torah study, intellectual openness, and social consciousness. Based on the belief that Talmidei Chachamim have a responsibility to contribute in all branches of society, the teachers at Ma'ale Gilboa have created a broad program that addresses the needs of the contemporary student. As a Shiluv Yeshiva, Ma'ale Gilboa is dedicated to full involvement in modern Israeli life, and therefore obligates its Israeli students to serve a full 3-year tour of military service. The three main messages of Yeshivat Ma'ale Gilboa are

