X3J13 is the name of a technical committee which was part of INCITS (known at the time as X3). The X3J13 committee was formed in 1986 to draw up an ANSI Common Lisp standard based on the first edition of the book Common Lisp the Language (also known as "CLtL", or "CLtL1"), by Guy L. Steele, Jr., which was previously a de facto standard for the language. The primary output of X3J13 was an American National Standard for programming language Common Lisp (X3.226/1994), approved December 8, 1994. X3J13 later worked with ISO working group SC22/WG16 on an internationally standardised dialect of Lisp named ISLISP.
The original chair of the committee was Doctor Robert Mathis of Ohio State University, with Mary van Deusen as secretary. Guy L. Steele, Jr. was originally the vice-chair. In later years, Mathis stepped down as chair and Steele assumed that role.
The efforts of the committee were guided by its charter, the successful creation of which is credited to the coordinating efforts of Susan P. Ennis, a representative of Amoco Production Company. The charter lays out the committee's goals and priorities, as well as a broadly defined list of some topics to be addressed.
The committee formed several subcommittees to help its members better concentrate their efforts.
The Cleanup Subcommittee, chaired by Larry Masinter, established a standardised format for the submission of proposals for voting. These issue writeups, while not themselves part of the standard, were deemed sufficiently useful for the Common Lisp HyperSpec to include and cross-reference them for the benefit of readers, providing information about the original intent of the committee in its decisions. These writeups also serve as a historical record of those alternate solutions to problems which were, ultimately, not adopted.